Getting the Best Price for your items at the Auction
Some of the most popular auctions are those that involve household items, inventory, livestock or antiques. But auctions involve so many more possessions: automobiles, office equipment, art, machinery, industrial equipment, electronics. One very rapidly growing area is real estate. More and more people are buying and selling their homes and land by the auction method.
People are Flocking to Auctions
Auctions are one of the oldest forms of selling property; their history spans centuries. And time has only increased their popularity. A research study commissioned by the National Auctioneers Association shows that auctioneering is an industry on the rise.
Did you know that more than half of the total Canadian population
has attended a live auction?
Auctions are entertainment at its finest. That's what most consumers say about auctions and that's the number one reason they attend. So what makes them so fun and entertaining? Some say it's the unexpected and the idea of experiencing something original. In addition, consumers find auctions fun because they're a rewarding activity for the whole family to enjoy. On average, consumers are willing to drive 1.3 hours to attend a live auction, with 75% bringing the family when they go. With today's modern technology, many auctions - like, offer online bidding!
The Value of Selling at Auction
So how can auctions benefit you, as a seller? Why are they the best way to sell property? Well, there are a number of reasons
Speedy Process, Quick Turnaround.
An auction is immediate. It happens during a set time and is completed during that time. It's quick and efficient.
You Set the Time and Place of Your Sale.
It's as simple as that. You work with the auction firm to schedule what works best for you.
You Know Exactly When Your Property or Goods Will Be Sold.
There's no wondering whether or not your property will sell. It WILL sell and it will sell during the set auction time. There's no guessing as to when a reasonable offer may come in - the auctioneer will bring it to you!
Comprehensive Marketing of Your Property.
Part of conducting an auction is marketing it to the general public or specific sector, to get as many people there as possible. Bailey Auctions has comprehensive mailing lists they use to market their sales. We run advertisements, distribute fliers, have a massive online following and more. We are marketing specialists.
Buyers Come Prepared to Buy.
Auction goers come with money in their wallets, pockets and hands and are prepared to come home with property. It's a seller's delight. For real estate auctions this is especially advantageous because buyers must qualify to buy through a deposit of certified funds.
No Negotiations.
There is no haggling over price or merchandise. The auction method is quick and efficient. When people
bid, they make a commitment to buy the property at that price without discussion or debate.
No Leftovers and Little Clean Up.
Every item at Bailey Auctions goes up for bid and most every item is sold. How many of you have ever had a garage sale and when you're finished, you spend hours packing up what didn't sell and looking for places to store it? With an auction, there's no worry about what to do with leftover items because there typically aren't any. This means very little clean up, also.
Competitive Bidding.
Auctions motivate buyers to perform. People get caught up in the competitiveness of the bidding and many times this drives the price of items higher. To some it's like a game, and they want to win at all costs (or hopefully for you, at high costs!) And did you know that 9 times out of 10, an auction brings in the fair market value, if not more, for any item put across the auction block?
Exciting Atmosphere.
There's no more exciting atmosphere than an auction. Crowds of people competing for property, combined with that lively auction chant makes for some great entertainment and fun. It makes people feel good and makes them feel like spending.
Auctions Work Well in Both Good and Bad Economic Times.
People love auctions, because they love sales. Statistics show, in a good or bad economy auctions remain a steady force. When the economy is bad, the auction industry does not feel the impact: people still flock to auctions.
Contact us today, so we can help you find a solution!